Have you been thinking about hosting a yard sale? This is the day! Saturday, July 15th from 8am-12pm.
Join us for our …almost… annual Berkeley Neighborhood Yard Sale! Buy, sell, or just walk around and say hello to your neighbors.
You can participate in any way that brings us all together. Have stuff to sell? This would be the day to do it. Kids want to set up a lemonade stand? Everyone is sure to be thirsty!
Sellers: Participation is simple. Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/EBjkc7XzsyRbJm759 and we’ll include your sale in our complimentary neighborhood map. The only requirement is that you be open from at least 8am-12pm. Registration deadline to be included in the map is July 5th.
Buyers: Are you a yard sale fanatic like us? This is YOUR day. Stop by FERAL the week of the sale to get a complimentary map of every yard sale location. Plan out your route and find some deals.
Hope you can make it!