FERAL Grand Rapids
Open at 1031 Wealthy St SE in Grand Rapids, FERAL will offer a large selection of used outdoor goods. Our goal is to make adventure more affordable for everyone. Cost should never be a barrier to enjoying everything that nature has to offer.
Note: We are now buying used outdoor gear and clothing from our community. Click HERE for details on that program.
New Gear & Clothing
We couldn’t be more proud to be part of the Grand Rapids community. We eat here, we shop here, we LOVE it here. FERAL Grand Rapids will be a full assortment outdoor gear shop featuring the best brands in the industry.
Used Gear & Clothing
We have a huge selection of used outdoor gear and clothing at a stellar price. You’ll find gear for camping, backpacking, climbing, and all outdoor activities in between. We also buy gently used gear. Click HERE for details.

Create Adventure

Free Rewards Program
The details are simple. You earn 1 point for every dollar spent and you redeem your points for discounts. The more you save up, the more they’re worth. Rewards start at 5% back and go up to 17% back.

Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee
Our rewards members always have a lifetime satisfaction guarantee on used and new items. When you chose us it was an expression of trust, and it would be awfully rude of us not to return the favor.

Our dogs spend as much time on the trail as we do, and we know many of you have adventure pups as well. Well-behaved dogs will always be welcome at FERAL.