Best Used Outdoor Gear Prices in Denver, CO and Grand Rapids, MI
We want to make adventure accessible and sustainable. Our used outdoor gear and clothing section makes it easier to get outfitted at an affordable price. We stock a massive selection of used camping gear in the summer, and nobody stocks more used ski clothing in the winter. It’s not weird to stop by often, we put out more than 250 fresh items every day!
Do you have used gear or clothing to sell? Click here for the details on how to sell us your lightly-used outdoor gear.

Tents & Shelters

Backpacks, Duffels & Vests

Sleeping Bags

Sleeping Pads

Stoves & Cooksets

Camp Chairs

Bear Canisters


Headlamps & Laterns

Running Shoes

Hiking Boots

Jackets | Outerwear

Climbing Shoes

Snowshoes & Traction

Yoga Gear
Looking to Sell Used Gear?
Need to make some room in the closet? Sell us your lightly-loved gear & technical clothing.