We already have Denver’s largest selection of used outdoor gear and clothing. But we still have gaps here or there. A missing size. Something that’s not quite the right color. If you need an item, our goal is to always have at least one used option to offer you. Here is how we’re going to do exactly that:
We’ve built an in-house software solution that has significantly enhanced efficiency in our used gear buying process. It used to take us 2-3 days from date of purchase to get a used item to the sales floor. Now most items are on the sales floor in less than 24 hours. We have an extremely talented team, and we have been able to build a custom software solution for our very unique business model.
We’ve expanded the categories that we’re buying and selling in the used section. You can always find the updated list here.


We’ve expanded beyond just buying used gear from our customers. We’re partnering with brands and other organizations to source high quality used gear and clothing. We started to reach the limit with how much inventory we could source from our community so we’ve expanded our network and reach.
We’re remodeling the used section (again). We’re adding more fixtures and more space. Our community has made it clear, you want more used gear. As a result, we’re going to dedicate more of our footprint towards meeting that demand.
We’re expanding our outreach to make sure used items are not ending up in the landfill. The reality is that a lot of people still don’t know how easy it is to turn their gently used item into cash or a gift card.
Our mission statement is “Create adventure”. But more importantly, we want to create adventure for everyone. Price remains the largest barrier that is preventing people from pursuing outdoor activities, and we’re attacking that problem head on.
We’re trying to get better every day, and we’re looking forward to building a used outdoor gear and clothing assortment that will continue to meet your needs.
Looking to ask someone questions about how you started. I visited you when I was in Denver and have always wanted a store such as this in Madison, WI. Hoping I could talk with an owner or founder. Thank you so much, I have many partners in the chamber/start up networks here in Madiaon.