FERAL is an independent outdoor gear shop with locations in Denver, CO and Grand Rapids, MI. We are known for having the largest selection of used outdoor gear and clothing around. FERAL also offers a large selection of new gear and clothing. You’ll find gear for backpacking, camping, climbing, and other general outdoor fun. In addition, FERAL fosters a strong community of outdoor junkies with exciting events and unique collaborations throughout the year. Stop by

Denver Services

Used Gear

Used Gear

Gear Rentals

Gear Rentals

Same Day Delivery

Same Day Delivery



Our Locations

The Denver Store

FERAL Denver

3936 Tennyson St.

Denver, CO 80212


Idaho Springs Store

FERAL Grand Rapids

1031 Wealthy St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506

The Denver Store

FERAL Denver

3936 Tennyson Street
Denver, CO 80212

The Idaho Springs Store

FERAL Grand Rapids

1031 Wealthy St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Partner Brands

Product Partners

Jet Boil
Black Diamond
Sea to Summit
Mountain Hardwear
Outdoor Research
Goodr Sunglasses
Darn Tough
Create Adventure

Create Adventure

Free Rewards Program

Free Rewards Program

The details are simple. You earn 1 point for every dollar spent and you redeem your points for discounts. The more you save up, the more they’re worth. Rewards start at 5% back and go up to 17% back.

Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee

Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee

Our rewards members always have a lifetime satisfaction guarantee on used and new items. When you chose us it was an expression of trust, and it would be awfully rude of us not to return the favor.

Dogs Always Welcome


Our dogs spend as much time on the trail as we do, and we know many of you have adventure pups as well. Well-behaved dogs will always be welcome at FERAL.



Want to stay on top of what’s happening at FERAL including announcements, events, sales, and advice? We have a ton of information on our blog.



We love staying in touch with our community. Tag us on social media to let us know what you are up to, and follow us to stay tuned into shop updates and other general buffoonery.