Denver Outdoor Gear and Clothing Repair
We want to keep gear where it belongs – on the trail. Our outdoor gear and clothing repair service ensures your trusty items keep you sheltered, warm, and dry for years to come. We repair tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, jackets, clothing, and more. Come by FERAL Denver for a quote. We’d love to discuss your repair project with you.
Items We Commonly Repair

Tents & Shelters

Sleeping Bags


Jackets & Clothing

Custom Repairs
Items We Don’t Currently Repair
While we’d love to give every item a second life, these are the projects that we’re not currently accepting: sleeping pads, footwear, leatherwork, camp chairs with attached frames, fiberglass tent poles, major alterations (sizing down of entire garment), custom item production, custom tent part production, luggage, large canvas or walled tents, boat covers, RV awnings, rooftop tents

How It Works

Bring your clean and dry item(s) to FERAL Denver for review. We’ll complete an intake form, gather your information, and pass your item and information along to our repair team.

Our team reviews your item and usually provides a quote within 3-4 days. Each item is evaluated based upon the materials and time needed to make the repair. Shop minimum is $30.

We get to work on your repair. Repairs are always finished in the order they are received. Wait times can vary seasonally, but we average 2-4 weeks. We’ll shoot you a message when your item is trail ready again.
Common Repair Prices and Quotes
All formal quotes require that we physically inspect your item, and pricing will vary based upon the complexity of your repair. For quality control, we’re unable to provide quotes via phone/email. Please stop by our Denver shop to discuss your project.
Shop Minimum: $30.00
Jacket Zipper: Starting at $35
Apparel Patching: Starting at $40
Tent Zipper Repair: Starting at $40
Tent Patching (Poly or Mesh): Starting at $40
Tent Pole Shock Cord Replacement: Starting at $45
Hardware Replacements: Starting at $30
Other Things to Know
Our team works hard, please be nice. We reserve the right to refuse any repair for any reason.
Let’s get creative! Oftentimes a repair is the perfect time to reimagine an item. Want to add a spicy color? Just let us know!
Item Storage: We are unable to store your item longer than 45 days after the repair is completed. We simply don’t have the space. Items left will be donated after that time.
Color Matching: We do our best to color-match all materials used for patching. If a reasonable match is not available, we will default to using black materials unless otherwise instructed. If you have specific color requirements, please let us know. All zipper replacements are done with black zippers. Color zippers may be custom ordered, with all material and shipping costs being covered by the customer.
Item Cleanliness: It is the responsibility of the customer to present a clean item for repair. We reserve the right to apply additional charges or deny the repair depending on the condition of the item. We’re looking at you, duct tape.
Lost Items: Please empty all pockets; FERAL is not responsible for lost items left inside a pocket.
Mail-In Repairs: We are currently unable to accept repairs by mail. Please stop by our Denver shop.


