Sell Used Outdoor Gear in GR
Out with the old, in with the new. Sell us your lightly-loved gear & technical apparel. We’ll give you a cash offer or you can maximize your buyback with a 50% bonus if you put the value on a gift card. Turn your extra gear into someone else’s new adventure kit at FERAL.
Note: We are NOT currently buying items on the weekend. Please bring your used items by the shop any time during business hours Monday through Friday.

How It Works

Review our Currently Buying List at the link above. We buy a lot of things, but we don’t buy everything. List changes daily based upon current inventory needs.

Bring your items in any day Monday – Friday. We are not currently buying on weekends. We’ll evaluate each item, and if it meets our criteria we’ll determine what we would sell each item for.

If we determine your items meet our criteria, we’ll offer your 40% of our selling price if you take cash on the spot, 60% of our selling price if you put the value on a gift card.
It’s that simple. No consignment. Sell it to us, we take it from there.
The Fine Print
Program Details
- We can only offer quotes at our Grand Rapids shop Monday-Friday during business hours. We are not able to offer quotes on weekends at this time. We will get there, bear with us!
- All items must be clean and be in excellent condition. No dog hair. No dirt. No exceptions.
- We are unable to offer estimates over the phone. Each item must be inspected on site before an offer can be made.
- We require a physical state-issued ID every time you sell at FERAL. No print outs. No apps. No exceptions.
- All items are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Offers are always based upon our current inventory needs.
- All offers and buybacks are final.
Gear We Commonly Buy

Tents & Shelters

Sleeping Bags

Foam Sleeping Pads

Backpacks & Duffels

Jackets & Clothing

Camp Chairs

Stoves & Cookware

Headlamps & Lanterns

Maps & Books

Crash Pads
Looking to Buy Used Gear?
We want to make adventure accessible and sustainable. Our used gear program makes it easier to get great gear at an affordable price while keeping gear where it belongs, on the trail.